Speech and Language: Receptive Language (what you understand): Comprehends action words (i.e., jump, throw, kick, slide) Follows simple 1-step instructions (i.e., sit down) Points to familiar items in a book when asked Understands prepositions as ..
Typical Development Through the Lens of a Therapist: 2 years – 2.5 years old

Speech and Language:
Receptive Language (what you understand):
- Comprehends action words (i.e., jump, throw, kick, slide)
- Follows simple 1-step instructions (i.e., sit down)
- Points to familiar items in a book when asked
- Understands prepositions as (in, on, under)
- Understands simple wh-questions (who and what)
Expressive Language (what you say):
- 2-3 word combinations are used
- Using -ing with verbs (i.e., mommy eating)
- Uses the prepositions “in” and “on”
- Expresses movement (up/down), disappearance (all gone)
Play/Social Development:
- Around age 2, children participate mostly in solitary play
- Around 2.5 years, parallel play (side by side) without exchanges emerges
- Uses objects symbolically (i.e., puts pretend phone to ear and says “hello”)
Articulation (production of sounds):
- Correct production of sounds (t, n, k, g, p, b, d, m, and h) at the beginning of words
- Correct production of n, p, s, d, f, and k at the end of words
- May continue to leave off ending sounds
- Strangers may have difficulty understanding child
Occupational Therapy:
Fine/Visual Motor:
- Snips with scissors
- Folds paper creating a crease
- Imitates circular strokes
- Creates cube designs
- Removes lid from screw bottle
Gross Motor:
- Attempts to catch ball with proper form
- Walks backwards
- Jumps down from an object
- Walks up and down stairs with little support
Self-Help skills:
- Pulls down pants
- Begins to show interest in toileting
- Participates in grooming tasks
- Removes coat when unfastened
- Sort by shape and color
- Matches pictures
- Plays out scenarios in imaginative play